I am by no means a pro photographer.
But why is it that whenever I ask Andy to take one simple photo, we always end up annoyed at each other? I'll usually end up complainig about something and he'll reply with "Here we go again.." hahaha!
I take most of my photos during the day, so that means Monday to Fridays they're usually taken when Andy is at work. On the weekends I always end up asking him to take photos for me; somtimes they're of me with the girls and sometimes they're just of me when I'm repping for something. I love him for the willingess but omfg the photos are just SO bad.
Doesn't tell me if I'm looking bad with the pose (tell me - don't just take it!)
Takes a million photos in the same frame/spot
Takes a million photos of me when my eyes are closed -__-
Doesn't tell me I have shit on my face
Cuts my head, arms or legs off in the photos
Always has someone walking by in the background (he could at least wait for them to finish walking by, but nooooo)
So he'll take a few snaps, I'll be stilling there viewing the photos and then the 21 questions will start coming out; "Why is this not in focus?", "How come you didn't tell me my hair was messy?", "I don't look good in this picture." hahaha! I swear, I should upload a library of his 'photograhs' one of these days just to show you guys I'm not making this stuff up. ACTUALLY, you know what? I'm just going to include a few examples from the weekend.. NAME & SHAME!
To be fair, we have a Canon 70D that has a flip out screen so when I do selfies I can usually see exactly how the photo is going to turn out. And I'm very grateful that he's such a good sport when it comes to taking photos of me and the girls. But I do wish that he could take some 'good' (decent) photos just a little more often then when the planets align with the sun and the rest of the universe.
So tell me, who can relate? Please, somebody tell me I'm not the only one?! Is anyone else in the same boat as me? Direct message me on insta or comment on my post to let me know.